This post is intended to be a quick reference - Cheatsheet of VueJS functionality. This post is not meant to replace a proper course, tutorial, or event documentation. But rather, to supplement it ...

Vue.js Cheatsheet [Under Development]

JWT based Auth for .Net 6 Minimal Apis
In this article we shall implement a minimal api with .Net 6, using Json Web Token based Authentication. Json Web Token But what is a Json Web Token (JWT), after all? There’s an excellent, in det...

Self hosting on the Raspberry Pi with Cloudflare and Nginx
The Goal of this article is to guide you through the process of setting up a home server on a raspberry pi (or any linux machine), using cloudflare as a proxy server. Why a Raspberry home server? ...

C# INotifyPropertyChanged AOP Implementation
This article describes a way to solve repetitive boilerplate INotifyPropertyChanged code implementations using reflection, runtime code generation using Expression Trees, Dispatch Proxy, AOP patter...